Clatsop Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)  trains community volunteers to stand up for abused and neglected children. Our advocacy helps ensure that these children have the best possible chance for a safer, more secure home life.

How you can Help

Contact Information

Clatsop CASA Program, Inc.
818 Commercial St., Suite 401
Post Office Box 514
Astoria, OR 97103
United States

Tel: 503-338-6063
Email: casa@clatsopcasa.org

Summer swearing in 2024 2


In Clatsop County, more than 110 children experience foster care each year. They were abused or neglected, and due to no fault of their own have been removed from the care of their parents. What would you do if you knew that you could help improve the lives of these children?


CASA volunteers (Court-Appointed Special Advocates) receive in-depth training to advocate in court and in the community for the needs and rights of children in foster care. Volunteers come from all walks of life and professions and have one thing in common: they care about kids.


After a pre-service training, volunteers get to know the child they represent by talking with everyone in that child's life: parents and relatives, foster parents, teachers, medical professionals, attorneys, social workers, and others. They use the information they gather to inform judges and others about the child’s needs and what will be the best permanent home for them. CASAs can expect to spend an average of about 6-8 hours a month getting to know the child, gathering information, exploring resources, representing the child in court, and writing reports. Volunteers receive ongoing education and support from their volunteer supervisor.


The next training to become a CASA begins in October 2024. To learn more about how you can make a real difference in the life of an abused or neglected child here in our community, contact Nakesha at casa@clatsopcasa.org or call 503-338-6063.




THANK YOU CLARK FOUNDATION! - The Clark Foundation awarded a 45,000 grant to Clatsop CASA this week! To be awarded at $15,000 over the next 3 years! We are grateful and we could not do this important work without their support.


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